Commercial biologics produced by yeast

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What are current the commercial biologics produced by yeast?

Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Escherichia coli, and mammalian cells are the most widely used host systems for biopharmaceutical protein production, accounting for 15%, 31%, and 43% of biopharmaceutical products developed, respectively.

The main strength of E. coli is its capacity for fast and hardy growth in bioreactors using simple media, although producing eukaryotic proteins in E. coli often results in inclusion body formation and/or low specific yields.

Mammalian cells are ideal for incorporating typical eukaryotic post translation modifications, such as glycosylation,however, the culture of mammalian cells is relatively slow, requires complex media, and is vulnerable to viral contaminations. As unicellular eukaryotic microbial host cells, yeast offers unique advantages in biopharmaceutical protein production.

The use of yeasts enables an ideal combination of hardy growth on simple media in large-scale bioreactors with the capacity of the desired post-translational modifications and feasibility in genetic manipulations.

Dozens of pharmaceutical products produced in S. cerevisiae including vaccines and blood factors have been marketed since the first industrial production of recombinant human insulin in S. cerevisiae in 1987, several of which are blockbusters

Here we summary a list of commercial biologics produced by yeast.

SystemProteinBrand NameTherapeutic area
S. cerevisiaeHepatitis (or plus other
infectious disease)
vaccines (I)
ComvaxH. influenzae type B and hepatitis B
infection in infants
RecombivaxHepatitis B
AmbirixHepatitis A and B
Pediarix8Various conditions inducing hepatitis B in children
Tritanrix-HBDiphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and hepatitis B
Infanrix Hep B
Infanrix-PentaDiphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, and hepatitis B
Infanrix-HexaDiphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, polio, and H. influenzae
type B
ProcomvaxH. influenzae type B and hepatitis B
PrimavaxDiphtheria, tetanus, and hepatitis B
HBVaxProHepatitis B in children and adolescents
Lepirudin (S)RefludanHeparin-induced thrombocytopenia type I
Desirudin (S)RevascVenous thrombosis
Insulin (S)Actrapid, Velosulin,
Monotard, Insulatard,
Protaphane, Mixtard,
Actraphane, Ultratard
Diabetes mellitus
Insulin aspart (S)Novolog, Novolog
FlexPen, Novolog Penfill,
NovoRapid, NovoRapid
Penfill, Novomix 30,
Novolog mix 70/30
Insulin detemir (S)Levemir, Levemir
GLP-1 (S)VictozaType 2 diabetes
Glucagon (S) GlucaGenHypoglycemia
GM-CSF (S)LeukineCancer, bone marrow transplant
HGH (S)ValtropinDwarfism, pituitary turner syndrome
PDGF (I)RegranexLower extremity diabetic neuropathic ulcers
GEM 125Periodontal defects
HPV vaccine (I)GardasilCervical cancer caused by human
papillomavirus (HPV)
Rasburicase (I)Fasturtec, ElitexHyperuricemia
P. pastorisEcallantide (I)KalbitorHereditary angioedema
Insulin (S)InsugenType 2 diabetes
Human serum
albumin (S)
MedwayBlood volume expansion
Hepatitis vaccine (I) ShanvacHepatitis B
IFN-α 2b (S)ShanferonHepatitis C, cancer
Ocriplasmin (I)JetreaVitreomacular adhesion (VMA)
Anti-IL-6R Ab (I)Nanobody ALX-0061Rheumatoid arthritis
Anti-RSV Ab (S)Nanobody ALX00171Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
HB-EGF (I)Treatment of interstitial
cystitis/bladder pain syndrome
Collagen (I)Medical research reagents/dermal
H. polymorphaHBV vaccine (I)Hepavax-GeneHepatitis B
Y. lipolyticaPancrelipase (S)Creon, Ultresa, ViokaseExocrine pancreatic insufficiency

Ref: Yeast synthetic biology for the production of recombinant therapeutic proteins

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